Stories, opinions, facts, convictions, and lessons learned from a small town farm girl.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The County Fair

County Fair time across the country is upon us! Last week when I visited home was our fair, Allegany County.  While it is a small Maryland fair, I thoroughly enjoy it and this year there was a display about the history of our fair and fairgrounds which I found to be very interesting.

County fairs are a cherished time of year for folks all across the country - a time to visit with folks who you rarely get to see throughout the year, display the best of your livestock, fruits, vegetables, crafts, and quilts.  It's a time of festivities and laughter and reminiscing of years past.

While fairs across the country put a warm feeling in our soul, it is undeniable things are changing.  The livestock barns are no longer as full, the fair-goers no longer come to see the agriculture events, and 4-H and FFA are no longer the center of festivities.  Counties are pulling together to have a multi-county fair, as numbers of exhibitors are decreasing as agriculture in our lifestyle becomes a thing of the past.

While it is undeniable the numbers of farmers and ranchers across the country are declining and the rural lifestyle is becoming a thing of the past, take some time today to think about your favorite memories of past fairs, livestock shows, and festivals.  These are one of the greatest American traditions - let's not let it die.

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